2. Fundamental Groupoid

Path connected component

Definition 2.1. Let .

A map is called a path from to .

We let denote the path from to defined by .

We let denote the constant map to .

Figure 1. A path in a topological space and its inverse

Let us introduce an equivalence relation on byWe denote the quotient space bywhich is the set of path connected components of .

Theorem 2.2. defines a covariant functor from to .

Proof. Exercise.

Corollary 2.3. If are homotopy equivalent, then .

Proof. Applying Proposition 1.19 to the functor .

Path category / fundamental groupoid

Definition 2.4. Let be a path. We define the path class of by

Figure 2. In a path class,

is the class of all paths that can be continuously deformed to while fixing the endpoints.

Definition 2.5. Let such that . We define the composite pathby

Figure 3. Composition of paths

Proposition 2.6. Let be paths, such that , , . Then

Proof. We illustrate the proof in the following figure, where and .

We conclude that is well-defined for path classes

Proposition 2.7 (Associativity). Let such that and . Then

Proof. We illustrate the proof in the following figure:

Proposition 2.8 (Identity). Let with endpoints and . Then

Proof. We only show the first equality, which follows from the figure below:

Definition 2.9. Let . We define a category as follows:


=path classes from to .


The propositions above imply that is a well-defined category. is called the path category or fundamental groupoid of .


Definition 2.10. A small category where all morphisms are isomorphisms is called a groupoid. All groupoids form a category .

Example 2.11. A group can be regarded as a groupoid with

consists of a single object.

and composition is given by the group multiplication.

Thus we have a fully faithful functor .

Recall that is the inverse of .

Theorem 2.12. Let with endpoints and . ThenIn other words, all morphism in are isomorphisms and thus is a groupoid.

Proof. Let such that , for any . The following figure gives the homotopy :

Exercise 2.13. Use the following figure to give another homotopy for Theorem  2.12.

Let be a groupoid, and define the setwhere if and only if in . We can view as a (discrete) category whose objects are its elements with only identity morphisms. Then defines a functor from to (the analogue of path connected components). We say is path connected if is a single point.

Proposition 2.14. is path connected if and only if is path connected.

Proof. Exercise.

Definition 2.15. Let be a groupoid. We define the automorphism group of an object to beNote that this indeed forms a group.

For any , it induces a group isomorphismIn terms of diagrams,

This naturally defines a functorSpecialize this to topological spaces, we find a functor

Definition 2.16. Let , the groupis called the fundamental group of the pointed space .

Theorem 2.17. Let be path connected. Then for any , we have a group isomorphism

Proof. Consider the functor described above. Since is path connected and is a groupoid, any two points and are isomorphic in . By Proposition 1.19, .

In the path connected case, we sometimes simply denote by the fundamental group of without mentioning the reference point via the understanding of Theorem 2.17.

Let be a continuous map. It defines a functor

Proposition 2.18. defines a functorthat sends to .

Proof. Exercise.

Proposition 2.19. Let be maps which are homotopic by . Let us define path classesas illustrated in the figure below:Then defines a natural transformation

Proof. Let with and . We need to show that the following diagram is commutative at the level of path classes:The composition gives the following homotopy:which implies as required.

This proposition can be summarized by the following diagram.The next theorem is a formal consequence of the above proposition

Theorem 2.20. Let be a homotopy equivalence. Thenis an equivalence of categories. In particular, it induces a group isomorphism

Proof. Let represent the inverse of in . Applying to the homotopy and , we find natural transformations from and to identity functors. These natural transformations must be natural isomorphisms since and are groupoids. Thus the first statement follows. The second statement follows from Proposition 1.26.

Proposition 2.21. Let . Then we have a canonical isomorphism of categoriesIn particular, for any , we have a group isomorphism

Proof. Exercise.

Example 2.22. For a point , is trivial. It it not hard to see that is homotopy equivalent to a point. It follows that

Example 2.23. As we will prove in Section 3 and Section ??,

Example 2.24. Let be the -dim torus. Then

Example 2.25 (Braid groups). Artin’s braid group of strings can be realized as mapping class group (symmetry group) of a disk of punctures. It has the following finite presentation: Braid groups can be also realized as fundamental groups.

Let . The (ordered) configuration space of is the set of pairwise distinct points in : There is a natural action of the permutation group on given by The unordered configuration space of is the orbit space of this action:

A classical result says

Moreover, elements in this (fundamental) group can be visulized as braids in as follows. Fix distinct points in . A geometric braid is an -tuple of paths such that


for some permutation of ;

are distinct points in , for any .

The product of geometric braids follows the same way as product of paths (in the fundamental group). The isotopy class of all braids on with the product above form the braid group. See Figure 4 for a braid
AT braid example.svg
Figure 4. Classical braids