5. A Convenient Category of Spaces

In homotopy theory, it would be convenient to work with a category of spaces which has all limits, colimits, and enjoys nice properties about mapping space (especially the Exponential Law). The full category does not work since the Exponential Law fails. The subcategory of locally compact Hausdorff spaces has the Exponential Law, but does not preserve limits and colimits in general. It turns out that there is some complete and cocomplete category that sits in between locally compact Hausdorff spaces and all topological spaces, and enjoys the Exponential Law. Compactly generated weak Hausdorff spaces give such a category , which we briefly discuss in this section. This will be a convenient category for homotopy theory.

Compactly generated space

Definition 5.1. A subset is called "compactly closed" (or "k-closed") if is closed in for every continuous map with compact Hausdorff. We define a new topology on , denoted by , where close subsets of are compactly closed subsets of . The identityis a continuous map. is called compactly generated if .

Let denote the full subcategory of consisting of compactly generated spaces.

If a space is compactly generated, then for any , a map is continuous if and only if the composition is continuous for any continuous with compact Hausdorff. Note that

Proposition 5.2. Every locally compact Hausdorff space is compactly generated.

Proof. Let be locally compact Hausdorff and be a k-closed subset. We need to show that is closed.

Let . Since is locally compact Hausdorff, has a neighborhood with compact Hausdorff. Then . Since is k-closed, is closed in , hence closed in . So .

Proposition 5.3. The assignment defines a functor , which is right adjoint to the embedding . In other words, we have an adjoint pair

Proof. Let , we need to show that is continuous if and only if the same map is continuous. Assume is continuous. Then the composition is continuous. Conversely, assume is continuous. Let be a k-closed subset. Then for any with compact Hausdorff,is closed in . It follows that is k-closed in , hence closed. So is continuous.

Proposition 5.4. Let and be a quotient map. Then .

Proof. By Proposition 5.3, factor through . Since the quotient topology is the finest topology making the quotient map continuous, we find .

Theorem 5.5. The category is complete and cocomplete. Colimits in inherit the colimits in . The limits in are obtained by applying to the limits in .

Proof. Let and , where is the embedding.

Note that the left adjoint functor preserves colimits. Since , their coproduct in (given by the disjoint union) is in . Since is a quotient of , it also lies in by Proposition 5.4. This implies the statement about .

As the right adjoint functor preserves limits,

Corollary 5.6. Let be a family of objects in . Then their product in iswhere is the topological product of ’s.

Definition 5.7.

Another corollary of Theorem 5.5 is the following.

Proposition 5.8. Assume is compactly generated and is locally compact Hausdorff, then .

Definition 5.9. Let . We define the compactly generated topology on byHere is the compact-open topology generated by

Note that the compact-open topology we use here for is slightly different from the usual one: we ask for a map from which is compact Hausdorff. We will also use the exponential notation

Lemma 5.10. Let , compact Hausdorff and continuous. Then the evaluation mapis continuous. In particular, is continuous.

Proof. Let be open, and . Then is open in and contains . Since is compact Hausdorff, has a neighborhood such that . Thenis an open neighborhood of .

Proposition 5.11. Let . Then the evaluation map is continuous.

Proof. Let be compact Hausdorff with a continuous map . We need to show the composition is continuous. But this is the same as the compositionwhich is continuous by the previous lemma.

Proposition 5.12. Let and continous. Then the induced mapis also continuous.

Proof. We need to show is continuous. Let be a continuous map with compact Hausdorff, and open. LetLet , i.e., . Since is continuous and is compact, there exists an open neighborhood of such that . Then as required.

Theorem 5.13 (Exponential Law). Let . Then the natural mapis a homeomorphism.

Proof. We first show thatis a set isomorphism. Note that this map is well-defined by Proposition 5.12, which is obviously injective.

For any continuous , we obtainwhich is continuous. This proves the surjectivity and we have established the set isomorphism.

The fact on homeomorphism is a formal consequence. In fact, for any , we haveThis says that we have a natural isomorphism between the two functorsThen Yoneda Lemma gives rise to the homeomorphism

Proposition 5.14. Let . Then the compositionis continuous, i.e., a morphism in .

Proof. This follows from the Exponential Law. By Yoneda Lemma, we need to find a natural transformationFirst we observe thatNow given two maps , we consider the compositionHere is the diagonal map. This gives naturally the required element of

Another nice property of the category is that product of quotient maps is still a quotient.

Proposition 5.15. Let , be quotients in . Then is a quotient.

Proof. We only need to show that if is a quotient map, then the induced map is a quotient. Here . Evidently, is surjective on sets. This is equivalent to show that for any map , if is continuous, that is continuous. By the Exponential Law,So is equivalent to a continuous map . Since is a quotient, this shows that corresponds to a continuous map . Using the Exponential Law again,This implies the continuity of .

Compactly generated weak Hausdorff space

Definition 5.16. A space is weak Hausdorff if for every compact Hausdorff and every continuous map , the image is closed in .

Let denote the full subcategory of consisting of weak Hausdorff spaces. Let denote the full subcategory of consisting of compactly generated weak Hausdorff spaces.

Example 5.17. Hausdorff spaces are weak Hausdorff since compact subsets of Hausdorff spaces are closed. Therefore locally compact Hausdorff spaces are compactly generated weak Hausdorff spaces.

Proposition 5.18. The functor is right adjoint to the embedding . In other words, we have an adjoint pair

Proof. This follows from Proposition 5.3.

Lemma 5.19. Let , compact Hausdorff and continuous. Then is compact Hausdorff.

Proof. is compact and closed. Moreover, is a closed map by hypothesis.

Let be two points. Since , are closed. Hence are disjoint closed. Since is compact Hausdorff, there exists disjoint open subsets of such that . Then give disjoint open neighborhoods of .

Remark 5.20. For weak Hausdorff, this lemma says that is k-closed if and only if is closed in for any compact Hausdorff subspace .

Proposition 5.21. Let . Then is weak Hausdorff if and only if the diagonal subspace is closed in . Here is the product in the category .

Proof. Assume . We need to show that is k-closed in . Letwhere is compact Hausdorff. Letwhich is compact Hausdorff by Lemma 5.19. Consider the diagonal in , which lies in the imageSince is compact Hausdorff, is a compact Hausdorff subspace of , hence closed in . It follows that is closed.

Conversely, assume and is closed in . Let be a continuous map with compact Hausdorff. We need to show is k-closed in . Let be any continuous map with compact Hausdorff. ConsiderThenwhich is closed. This shows that is k-closed in , hence closed in .

Remark 5.22. Recall that is Hausdorff if and only if is closed in . This proposition says that relative to is the analogue of Hausdorff spaces relative to .

Corollary 5.23. Let be a family of objects in . Then their product in also lies in .

Proof. Let with . We need to show that the diagonal is closed in . LetSince is closed in , it follows that is closed in .

Proposition 5.24. Let , and be an equivalence relation on . Then the quotient space by the equivalence relation lies in if and only if is closed in .

Proof. By Proposition 5.4, . We need to check the weak Hausdorff property.

Let denote the quotient map. By Proposition 5.15, the productis also a quotient map. So is closed in if and only if is closed in .

Given , let denote the smallest closed equivalence relation on . is constructed as the intersection of all closed equivalence relations on . Then the quotient by the equivalence relation is an object in . This construction is functorial, so defines a functor

Proposition 5.25. The functor is left adjoint to the inclusion . That is, we have an adjoint pairMoreover, preserves the subcategory , i.e, is the identity functor.

Proof. Let , and continuous. We need to show that factors through . ConsiderSince is closed in , defines a closed equivalence relation on . Therefore . It follows that factors through .

Theorem 5.26. The category is complete and cocomplete. Limits in inherit the limits in . The colimits in are obtained by applying to the colimits in .

Proof. Let , then we need to show that

The statement about colimit follows from the fact that is the identity functor and perserves colimits. For the limit, letbe the products in , which also lie in by Lemma 5.23. Consider two maps , whereThenis a closed subspace of , hence also lies in . It can be checked that this is the limit of .

Remark 5.27. The proof of the limit part of this theorem does not rely on . It shows that preserves all limits. The Adjoint Functor Theorem implies an abstract existence of .

Proposition 5.28. Let . Then .

Proof. We need to show that the diagonal in is closed. Letwhich is continuous. Thenis closed since is closed in .

Combining Proposition 5.28, Proposition 5.11, Theorem 5.13, Proposition 5.14, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.29. Let . Then


the evaluation map is continuous;


the composition map is continuous;


the Exponential Law holds, i.e., we have a homeomorphism

Therefore is a full complete and cocomplete subcategory of that enjoys the Exponential Law.

We give a brief discussion on "subspace topology" in to end this section.

Let and be a subset of . The subspace topology on may not be compactly generated. We equip with a compactly generated topology by applying to the usual subspace topology. This will be called the subspace topology in the category . When we write , is understood as s subspace of with this compatly generated topology. It is clear that if , then . It can be checked that if is the intersection of an open and a closed subset of , then the usual subspace topology on is already compactly generated, so these two notions of subspace coincide in this case.

This new notion of subspace satisfies the standard characteristic property in : given , a map is continuous if and only if it is continuous viewed as a map .

Definition 5.30. In the category , a map in is called an inclusion if is a homeomorphism, where is the image of with the compactly generated subspace topology from .

Proposition 5.31. Let be maps in such that . Then is a closed inclusion and is a quotient map.

Proof. It is clear that is an inclusion and is a quotient. We show is a closed inclusion. ConsiderLet be the diagonal which is closed. Then is also closed.

Proposition 5.32. Let and is an inclusion. Then is also an inclusion. If is closed, then so is .

We will often need the notion of a pair. Given , and subspaces , we letbe the subspace of that maps to . It fits into the following pull-back diagram

In our later discussion on homotopy theory, we will mainly work with . In particular, a space there always means an object in . All the limits and colimits are in . For example, given , their product always means the categorical product in . Subspace refers to the compacted generated subspace topology.

To simplify notations, we will writefor the category and the quotient category of by homotopy classes of maps respectively.

We will also need the category of pointed spaces.

Definition 5.33. We define the category of pointed spaces, where

an object is a space with a based point and

morphisms are based continuous maps that map based point to based point

We will writewhen base points are not explicitly mentioned. is viewed as an object in , whose base point is the constant map from to the base point of .

The following theorem follows from the analogue for described above.

Theorem 5.34. The category is complete and cocomplete. Let . Then


the evaluation map is continuous;


the composition map is continuous;


the Exponential Law holds, i.e., we have a homeomorphism

Here is the smash product