7. The Lebesgue measure Ⅱ

Approach from topology

(待修改! ) We will give another proof about the property that the *Lebesgue* measure is -additive. Define a function where is generated by the interval.

Theorem 1

is a measure.

is a semi-algrbra over . . Note that is a unique extension of ().

We prove that is a measure on , it sufficient to show that is continuous from above at . It equals to prove the following property Let be an decreasing converges sequence such that . In other words, for some and .

##### Step 1

, , we construct Observation .

We set and choose the positive number small enough such that .

##### Step 2

, but , it implies that and therefore we can write , we construct Then and and , and we conclude that . We set and choose the positive number small enough such that . Then we obtain Suppose that we have constructed such that . Consider the construction of , So and therefore we can write and we construct Then We can choose the positive number small enough to obtain the inequality , and Then we complete the induction of and obtain a family which satisfy the following properties

- , - , -

We set , and is an decreasing sequence since and which are all compact.

We claim that . . Consequently, . But

Remark (*Bolozano*-*Weierstrass* property)

The limit point of infinite subset of compact space exist.

Proof Let be a compact space, is a subset without limit point. We prove that is finite.

For , we can find an open neighborhood such that Since is compact, the collection can be reduce to finite . But every contain most one point in , then is finite.

For an decreasing sequence which is compact for all , we can construct a sequence , it is a infinite subset of the compact set , then it has the limit point . If , then there exist a neighborhood such that

Similarly, we can obtain the fact that for all , so .