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1The algebraic Katz sheaf

Recall on Riemann surfeca there xists a line bundle whose section is the modular form of weight . We want an algebraic model of .

For simplicity, let , . Let be the universal generalized elliptic curve. Consider the sheaf of relative differentials on .

定义 1.1. .


is a line bundle on .

Let be the zero section, then .

is an algebraic model of the Katz sheaf .

定义 1.2. For any ring over , a modular form of weight , level and coefficient in is a global section of .

The space of such forms is denoted by .

Similarly, define .

When , we have .

注 1.3. Such definition does not apply to . There is no “” on . But one may work over stacks.

There is a natural isomorphism , the latter is the sheaf of differentials allowing simple poles along the cusps. (Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism).

Let be a -algebra, and an -algebra. Suppose , then there is a natural isomorphism

2Katz’s alternative interpretation of modular forms

定义 2.1. Let be an elliptic curve over . Define , the sheaf of invariant differentials.

Let us take for now.

定义 2.2. a fixed base ring. A Katz modular form of weight (and level SL_2(Z)) with coefficients in is a rule wich assigns to any elliptic curve over an -scheme a section of such that the following are satisfied


only depends on the -isomorphic class of .


The formation of commutes arbitrary bas echange in the sense that

The space of such rules is denoted by .

注 2.3. Insteaf of considering all , we could consider only those for some -algebra . More precisely,

定义 2.4. A Katz modular form of weight wutg coefficients in is a rule wich assigns to any pair where is an -algebra, an elliptic curve, and is a nowhere vanishing section of over , with an element such that


only depends on the -isomorphic class of .


is “homogeneous of degree ”, i.e., for all , .


The formation of commutes with arbitrary base extension , namely

注 2.5. We can even restrict to those such that is free.