用户: Eee/Remark on Thom Isomorphism

Definition 0.1. Orientablity of a vector bundle.

To each fiber there is assigned a preferred generator . The local compatiblity condition implies that , there exists a neighborhood , s.t. such that for any fiber over .

Equivalently, we say a vector bundle is orientable if its structure group may be reduced to .

1Thom Isomorphism Theorem with

Cross Product

Let denote the complement of the origin in . For any space , we will prove that This isomorphism can best be described by introducing the cohomology corss product operation.

Definition 1.1. Cross Product

Suppose that one is given cohomology classes where is an open subset of and is an open subset of . (If is vacuous then need not to be open, and conversely.) Using the projection maps the cross product (or external product) is defined to be the cohomology class It will be convenient to use the abbreviation for the pair .

Example 1.2. can be described as the -fold product .

Consider the triple , , then one have the exact sequence hence we have the coboundary isomorphism , where Thus, and we define .

Finally, let denote the -fold cross product .

Theorem 1.3. For any pair with open in , the correspondence defines an isomorphism

The Thom Isomorphism Theorem with Coefficient

We have the isomorphism given by the correspondence . Let be an open subset of . Then we have isomorphism given by the corrspondence .

Theorem 1.4. Thom Isomorphism with coefficient

Let be an -plane bundle with projection . Let denote the complement of in .

There is one and only one cohomology class whose restriction to is non-zero for every fiber .

Furthermore, the correspondence gives for every integer .


Proof. The proof will be divided into four cases.

Case 1.

When is trivial.

Case 2.

When , where both and are trivial. We shall prove this case by M-V argument and Five lemma.

Case 3.

Suppose is covered by finitely many open sets, we prove it by induction.

General case

Let be an arbitrary compact subset of the base space . Then evidently the bundle satisfies the hypothesis of Case 3.

The cohomology group maps isomorphically to the inverse limit of the groups . But each of the latter groups contains one and only one class whose restriction to each fiber is non-zero. It follows immediately that contains one and only one class whose restriction to each fiber is non-zero.

Now consider the homomorphism : . Evidently, for each compact subset of there is a commutative diagram Passing to the inverse limit, as varies over all compact subset, it follows that is itself an isomorphism. This completes the proof.

Lemma 1.5. Given is a field. Let be an arbitrary compact subset of the base space . Since the union of any two compact sets is compact, we can form the direct limit of homology groups as varies over all compact subsets of , and the corresponding inverse limit of cohomology groups.

The natural homomorphism is an isomorphism, and similarly maps isomorphically to .


Proof. It is easy to show since every singular chain on is contained in some compact subset of .

Since is a field, we have .

2Thom Isomorphism Theorem with an arbitrary ring

Cap product

Definition 2.1. For any space and any coefficient domain, there is a bilinear pairing operation which can be characterized as follows. For each cochian and each chain the cap product is the unique element of such that (1)for all .

Proposition 2.2. Combining the identity (1) with the standard properties of cup products, one can derive the following rules (2)(3)(4)The last one is given by formula .

From (4) it follows that there is a corresponding operation which will also be denoted by .

The Thom Isomorphism Theorem with Coefficient in an arbitrary ring

Similarly, the cohomology group is a free -module, with a single generator .

Let be an oriented -plane bundle. Then for each fiber of we are given a preferred generator Using the unique ring homomorphism , this gives rise to a corresponding generator for which will also be denoted by the symbol .

Theorem 2.3. The Thom Isomorphism Theorem with Coefficient in an arbitrary ring

Let be an oriented -plane bundle. There is one and only one cohomology class whose restriction to is equal to for every fiber .

Furthermore the correspondence gives for every integer .

If is compact, then the proof is completely analogous to the previous proof ending at Case 3.

If the ring is a field, then the proof is also completely analogous to the previous proof, since the lemma still holds.

Lemma 2.4. The homology group is zero.

Proof. If is compact, the Thom isomorphism and the following corollary is ture, hence For general case, .

With , by Universal Coefficient Theorem, , hence the lemma follows.

It follows that there is a unique fundamental cohomology class .

To prove that the cup product with induces cohomology isomorphisms, we will make use of the following constructions.

Definition 2.5. A free chain complex over is a sequence of free -modules and homomorphisms with .

A chain mapping of degree is a sequence of homomorphisms satisfying .

Lemma 2.6. Let be a chain mapping, where and are free chain complexes over . If induces a cohomology isomorphism for every coefficient field , then induces isomorphisms of homology and cohomology with arbitrary coefficients.

While proving the Thom Isomorphim, we will simultanuously prove the following. The coefficient ring is to be understood.

Corollary 2.7. The correspondence defines an isomorphism from the integral homology group to .


Proof. Choose a singular cocycle representing the fundamental cohomology class . Then the correspondence from to satisfies the identity Therefore is a chain mapping of degree . Using the identity we see that the induced cochain mapping is given by . Here can be any ring.

If the coefficient ring is a field, then this cochain mapping induces a cohomology isomorphism. Thus we can apply the last lemma, and concludes that the homomorphisms and are actually isomorphisms for arbitrary .

In particular, using the isomorphism , the uniqueness of the fundamental cohomology class with coefficients in can now be verified.

3Thom Isomorphism in Differential Forms

Since is a deformation retract of , it follows that

If and are orientable manifolds of finite type, then by Poincaré duality.

Using a Mayer-Vietoris argument as in the proof of the Thom isomorphism, if is an orientable rank bundle over a manifold of finite type, then Note that the orientability assumption on is removed.

Definition 3.1. Compact Vertical Cohomology

We define the complex of forms with compact support in the vertical direction as follows:

a smooth -form on is in if and only if for every compact set in , is compact.

If , then since is a closed subset of a compact set, then is compact. Note that there may be a difference between and .

Thus, although a form in need not have compact support in , its restriction to each fiber has compact support.

The cohomology of this complex, denoted , is called the cohomology of with compact support in the vertical direction, or compact vertical cohomology.

Definition 3.2. Integration along the fiber

For any oriented vector bundle of rank . Locally, let be the fiber coordinate on , a form in is locally of type (I) which do not contain as a factor the -form and the type (II) which do, the map is defined by where has compact support for each fixed in and is a form on .

The definition is independent of the choice of the oriented trivialization for , hence we get a global form on .

Proposition 3.3. Integration along the fiber commutes with exterior differentiation .

Proposition 3.4. Projection Formula

(a) Let be an oriented rank vector bundle, a form on and a form on with compact support along the fiber. Then (b) Suppose in addition that is oriented of dimension , , and . Then with the local product orientation on

Theorem 3.5. Thom Isomorphim

If the vector bundle over manifold of finite type is orientable, then where is the rank of .

The assumption of "finite type" is not necessary.

Definition 3.6. Thom class Under the Thom isomorphism , the iamge of in determines a cohomology class in , called the Thom class of the oriented vector bundle .

Because , by the projection formula So the Thom isomorphism, which is inverse to , is given by

Proposition 3.7. The Thom class on a rank oriented vector bundle can be uniquely characterized as the cohomology class in which restricts to the generator of on each fiber .

Proposition 3.8. If and are two oriented vector bundles over a manifold , and are the projections then the Thom class of is .